28 August 2023
Presently, under the direction of MA Governor Healy, the Mass DEP is drafting a Clean Heat Standard which does NOT have to go through the state legislature to be implemented in 2024. This Clean Heat Standard will tax fuel dealers (including many hearth, and all propane and local oil dealers) on their GHG emissions. Take action now so you can have a voice in this decision.
The Clean Heat Standard (CHS) from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) would require heating energy suppliers to replace fossil heating fuels with electric heat pumps over time by implementing a tax on liquid fuel dealers (including renewable blends) and forcing them to purchase credits for GHG emissions; this is a tax on fossil fuels. The CHS plan does not have to go through the MA legislature, and it will increase your utility bill, while phasing out all liquid fuel, hearth products, heating, and water systems from the market!
Constituents need to have a voice in a decision of this importance, or the DEP can approve this plan for implementation in 2024 without a vote!
Take action now! Please send a letter to Governor Healy and your Massachusetts legislators urging them to take this out of the hands of the DEP and put this decision into the hands of the voters. A decision of this magnitude should not be decided by MassDEP alone. Deadline for comments is September, 1, 2023.
17 August 2023
Below is a short video update from HPBA's Government Affairs team about the Notice of Intent from 10 state Attorneys General to file a timeline suit regarding EPA's Wood Heater NSPS:
Members of the Northeast Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association (NEHPBA) and its regional Affiliates are the leading companies that produce, sell, or service appliances and accessories in the hearth and barbecue industries in North America. Join today to take advantage of all the benefits your company will receive.
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